book fetish

Want To Write For Book Riot?

Springtime has rolled around, so it's time for our annual Open Call for new contributors! Interested in writing for the Riot? Here’s how to know if this might be a good fit.

Comics Fetish: Volume 70 – DIY Edition

Welcome to Comics Fetish, your weekly dose of wallet pain. Every five installments of this column, we run it with ...

Dungeons & Deadlines: The Kinky Sex Lives of 8 Great Authors

This work, “Dungeons & Deadlines,” is a derivative of “Rope Boots” by Daisy Romwall, used under CC BY-SA 2.0. “Dungeons & Deadlines” ...

5 and 1/2 Bookish Phenomena I Just Don’t Get

Take away my “true reader” card. After seeing virtually every book-related meme or comic or variation of a post on ...

Comics Fetish: Volume 66

Welcome to Comics Fetish, your weekly dose of wallet pain. Keep it elegant and woodsy with your personal flask. Doesn’t ...

Comics Fetish: Volume 65 (Where’s Rey Edition)

Welcome to Comics Fetish, your weekly round-up of cool comics-related stuff to buy and wear and gift and share. We theme ...

Comics Fetish: Volume 61

Welcome to Comics Fetish, your weekly round-up of cool comics-related stuff to buy and wear and gift and share. Um, this ...

Books to Keep You Afloat: My Most Important Book of 2015

Dear Brother, There are some books that demand a higher level of consciousness. These books become more than ink and ...

Comics Fetish: Volume 57

Welcome to Comics Fetish, your weekly round-up of cool comics-related stuff to buy and wear and gift and share. While this ...

Books Design and Book Art Boards on Pinterest

Are you as in love with Pinterest as we are here at Book Riot? If you’re not already following us ...