
Quiz: Which 500+ Page Book Should You Read While You’re Quarantined?

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Whether you’re under a mandatory quarantine or just staying home to be safe during the coronavirus pandemic, chances are you’ve suddenly found yourself with quite a bit of perhaps-unexpected free time on your hands. Of course, we feel pretty certain the answer for what to do with all that free time is to read and maybe do some bookish crafts. Maybe you’re looking for some nonfiction (like this list about pandemics to help you better understand COVID-19) or maybe you’re just desperate for some compelling fiction. After all, no one could blame you for wanting to dive into something to forget what’s happening out there for a while.

In the quiz below, you’ll find eleven very different but still very readable and compelling books that are at least 500 pages. They will keep you occupied for, well, at least a few hours! There’s something for everyone, from nonfiction to fiction, tragedies to thrillers to adventures, classics to modern pieces, and beyond.

While many libraries are closing in light of the public health crisis to help flatten the curve, many of these libraries also offer digital collections. So, if you’re tempted by the title you get in the quiz but can’t get a print copy, consider checking out your library’s digital offerings. You’ll find ebooks, e-audiobooks, and more (e-magazines!) and all you’ll need (most of the time) is your library card and a device on which to read the material. This will differ depending on the material format, but you’re generally safe with a desktop, laptop, tablet, ereader, or phone.

Want something you can keep? Consider checking out and supporting one of the many indie stores that are responding to the coronavirus with immense generosity to their customers. You might also consider supporting small business via the great Book Fetish picks from Etsy.

Ready to find out what doorstopper you should grab for your quarantine? Grab your hot drink and let’s go!


City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee

The Queen of the Night by Alexander Chee

The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas

Steel Crow Saga by Paul Krueger

A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara

How to Hide an Empire by Daniel Immerwahr

Gone by Michael Grant

The Secret History by Donna Tartt

The Pink Line by Mark Gevisser

The Host by Stephenie Meyer