Book Trailer

Featured Book Trailer: THE LESSON by Cadwell Turnbull

María Cristina García lives in New York with her favorite spouse, her favorite toddler, her favorite cat, and her second-favorite cat. When not ranking members of her household, she's catching up on Supergirl, strumming her mandolin, or trying to beat the clock on her library loans. Twitter: @MeowyCristina Blog:

This week’s featured book trailer is sponsored by Blackstone Publishing.

They will teach us the lesson all creatures must learn. Publishing on 6/18/19. ”Cadwell Turnbull paints a stunningly intricate portrait of humanity, capturing hopes and dreams, flaws and failings with remarkable depth and texture. The Lesson is a blast to read and a meaningful exploration of the bearing of colonialism and the perils of human ambition.” —Sylvain Neuvel, author of The Test and the Themis Files trilogy