#Our Reading Lives

Our Reading Lives features stories about how books and reading have shaped who we are and how we live.

Learning From Choosing Inclusive Books for Our Children

The thought of buying my daughter a book about baby feminists filled me with happiness. But for my son? Embarrassingly, the thought didn’t cross my mind.

Why I Always Read the Acknowledgements

I will likely skip the bibliography or the note about the font. Sometimes I will even ignore the author’s biography. But I always read the acknowledgements.

THIRTEEN DOORWAYS, Wolves, and The Power of Place

Reading While Bilingual: How Translated Books Helped Shape My Cultural Identity

The Pleasures of Being “The Book Friend”

Why one Rioter loves to answer the question, "Read any good books lately?"

Thank You Hulu for Making Me Read Sailor Moon Manga

The Joys of Rereading Books on Audio

A Simple Solution for Bookish Forgetfulness

10 Useful Skills For Working as a Bookseller

Why I Love Author Talks

A Rioter reminisces about some of her favourite author talks, what she's learned from them, and why she keeps going back to see her best-loved writers.