#Newsletter 1

Quick Pick: October 16, 2015

A spotlight on one of the week's best new releases.

How to Take A Readcation

What do you get when you cross a staycation with reading? You get a readcation. Why a readcation is a great idea and how you can enjoy one.

Why Autumn Belongs to Ray Bradbury

Reasons why fall is the best time to read Ray Bradbury.

Comics Fetish: Volume 52

Check out this week's Comics Fetish, and all the cool stuff money can buy.

New Comics Preview: October 15, 2015

Each week, Swapna previews new comics in the best of the Panels mailbag.

24 Hour Readathon Survive (and Thrive) Tips

The 24 hour readathon is Saturday! Here are tips for rockin' it, from one of the organizers!

Giveaway: Advance Screening Passes to Emma Donoghue’s ROOM

We're giving away advanced passes to ROOM, and copies of the book!

Look Out for Perfect Square’s “Yo-Kai Watch” Manga

Let's talk Perfect Square's Yo-Kai Watch's manga.

October 2015 Book of the Month: ALIAS

The Oh, Comics! October book of the month: ALIAS by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos.

Book Riot Live Author Spotlight | Jason Reynolds