Book Riot’s illustrious co-founder/editor-in-chief Jeff posted back in mid-October about his “Swiss Army” Recommendations — books that will appeal to ...
To commemorate its 20th anniversary last summer, Entertainment Weekly published a list of the 100 greatest characters of the last two ...
A recent interest in book reviews as a genre led me to Books of the Century: A Hundred Years of ...
I read a lot of young adult literature, as previous posts at Book Riot might suggest. But this semester, I’m also ...
I’m a girl who loves football. Every Sunday during football season you’ll find me settled on my couch, snacks, computer, ...
If the Mayans are to be believed, we have just over a year and a month left here on good ...
10 Things Most Frequently Heard by Booksellers in the 20th Century 1. Do you have the new Sidney Sheldon? 2. ...
Sometimes knowing a little bit about literary terminology can make your reading more interesting. It can give name and measure ...
You may or not be aware that we’re in a special month now. No, it’s not just November. It’s MOVEMBER ...
Those of you who follow Book Riot on Twitter know that we run a daily nugget of literary trivia there ...