
Dark Mystery & Thrillers Because Who Needs Sleep?

These mysteries and thrillers have a dark feel, or feel like a blend of horror and mystery/thriller or books with dark crimes.

Chilly and Killy: 10 Great Wintery Thrillers to Delight and Frighten You

Grab some hot cocoa and blankets, and get ready to get cozy with these 10 great winter thrillers to delight and frighten you!

9 Dark Novels in Verse

Verse novels combine a compelling story with stark and intricately spun poetry. There’s one for you in this list of dark novels in verse.

10 Books You Should Read If You Enjoyed The Goosebumps Series As A Kid

If you loved the fun and feel of R.L. Stine's books as a kid, you'll love these books like Goosebumps for adults.

8 Bookish Nonprofits and Organizations to Donate to on Giving Tuesday

There's no better way for readers to participate in Giving Tuesday than by supporting one of these bookish nonprofits.

15 Books To Spark Love Like THE HEART PRINCIPLE

From YA reads to queer readalikes to books with the same themes, these are our favorite books like The Heart Principle.

8 Children’s Books About Feelings

If you’ve ever been around kids, you know they can have big feelings (we all do!). Use these books to start a conversation about emotions.

New Releases Tuesday: The Best Books Out This Week

Here are some of the best books out this week, what they are about, and why you should add them to your TBR!

Books About Wonder and Sparking Joy in Dark Seasons

Powerful books about joy, wonder, and finding meaning and connection even during the darkest of seasons, including Wonder Seeker.

The Best Books to Give as Gifts in 2021

It's hard to get your bookish friends something they haven't already read—until now! Here are the best books to give as gifts this year.