Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer


New romance books are coming out every week, and we’re here to help you find the best, no matter which genre of romance novels you’re into. Regencies, contemporaries, queer romance from all time periods, paranormals—you name it, we’re reading it. Read on to find the most compelling romance novels out there, for all steam levels! Go on, get your trope on.

5 M/F Romances That Are Queer As Hell

A collection of some of the best queer m/f romances out there--books that center and celebrate queerness in all its variety.

Quiz: Which Psy-Changeling Race Do You Belong To?

Are you Psy, human, or changeling? Take the quiz to find out.

6 Romance Series Netflix Should Adapt after VIRGIN RIVER

The romance series that Netflix should adapt, given the success of VIRGIN RIVER.

Lesbian Romances for the Uprising: WLW Recommendations

Is this stonewalling of an entire group of authors on the basis of their (sapphic) sexual orientation, the reason why there are far fewer lesbian romances?

12 Romance Authors to Add to Your TBR List in 2020

Don't forget to add a little romance to your 2020. We're here to help with this list of romance authors to check out and add to your reading list.

Remembering Johanna Lindsey

Remembering the work of late romance writer Johanna Lindsey.

The Romance Writers of America Decision That Broke The Camel’s Back

Scandal shook the romance community over the holidays as the RWA sanctioned Courtney Milan for pointing out racism in books.

What Happy Endings Do We Want to See in Romance in 2020 and Beyond?

One romance reader considers feminist trends in the history of romance and looks ahead to some progressive themes the genre can build on.

Read Harder: A Romance Starring a Single Parent

Child-free people aren't the only ones getting swept off their feet--check out these romances about single parents for the 2020 Read Harder Challenge.

Sports Romances That Aren’t Steeped in White Supremacy Culture

With this many people of color working as professional athletes, why are so sports romances so white? Let's take a look at inclusive sports romance novels.