
The Book Riot Podcast #83: The Buzz Got Super-Big

Rebecca Joines Schinsky

Chief of Staff

Rebecca Joines Schinsky is the Chief of Staff for Riot New Media Group and a co-host of the Book Riot Podcast. She can be reached at rebecca@riotnewmedia.com.

This week, Rebecca and Amanda discuss Jacqueline Woodson’s response to Daniel Handler’s racist jokes at the National Book Awards, James Patterson’s weird new book burning video, the Goodreads Choice Awards winners, and more.

This episode is sponsored by Squarespace, Random House Audiobooks, and The Shape of My Heart by Ann Aguirre.

Links discussed on the show:

Book Riot’s Best Books of 2014 List

Jacqueline Woodson responds to Daniel Handler’s watermelon joke

Fundraising for the Ferguson Library

HarperCollins partners with Jet Blue for in-flight ebook samplers & sales

Goodreads Choice Awards Winners

William Shatner’s Kickstarter project

J.K. Rowling commencement speech to become a book

Title of new Toni Morrison novel announced

James Patteron’s weird book burning video:


New Books!

The Strange Library by Haruki Murakami

Paperback: On Such a Full Sea by Chang-Rae Lee, Havisham by Ronald Frame