Vivienne Woodward

Vivienne Woodward lives in Philly and works as the events coordinator for an indie bookstore. She can often be found drinking too much coffee in the sunny spot on her couch and over-identifying with fictional characters. She enjoys collecting hobbies, dancing to radio pop, and rearranging the book stacks on her side tables.

What Will Save Indie Bookstores Next?

You are an indie bookstore and you don’t think you are dying? Ha! Rest your pretty head and wait for whatever intervention will save indie bookstores next.

Book-Related Startups That Could Definitely Work

A list of innovative book-related startups that could definitely capture the public's attention. Venture capitalists welcome.

Dear Bookseller: Do You Think My Niece Would Like This Book?

Dear Bookseller, one time my niece mentioned petting a pony at a zoo. So do you think this aligns with her interests and reading ability?

How To Steer Any Conversation Towards Books This Holiday Season

The holidays can be stressful. Follow these guidelines to preempt any taboo topics and steer any conversation towards books instead.

Sex Tips From Male Novelists

This holiday season are you looking to recreate the romance of a pre-internet age? These sex tips of yore will surely do the trick.

The Six Types of Books You’ll Find on Tinder

Are you tired of seeing the same types of books on Tinder over and over again? Their descriptions of themselves ...

Did You Like That Book? Good, But It Did Not Like You

Did you like that book you recently finished? You know, the one that you thought was ultimately about fear and ...

Cerealmelier: Cereal and Book Pairings from a Professional Cereal Steward

The art of the cerealmelier is not well-understood. Compiled for the first time, cereal and book pairings suited to any palate.

I Got a Fever and the Only Prescription Is More Reading: Proven Reading Benefits

Editor’s note: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of benefits listed to actual health benefits of reading are purely coincidental.

I Wish They Would Read More: Diary Entries of a Disappointed Dilettante

Dear Diary: the people I love don't understand me or my frequent book references; is it too much to wish that they read more?