Tiffani Willis

Tiffani C. Willis spends as much as time as she is able to traveling the universe by book and sometimes by, plane, train, boat, or car. When she’s not off on an adventure in a faraway land or trying to solve a mystery like a detective, Tiffani uses her powers as an academic librarian to help students survive school as they learn how to do research and write research papers. She spends her spare time rambling, raving, and ranting about books on her blog Passport Books, camping out in bookstores, and obsessively watching HGTV, usually with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine nearby. Twitter: @PassportBooks

How Does Your Quarantine Read Compare to Your Desert Island Read?

Consider your desert island reads. Now, think of the books that have helped you out of a quarantine slump. Do they match up?

Best Comics We Read July–September 2019

Prepare your TBR: Rioters share their favorite comic reads from July-September!

On Not Spring Cleaning My TBR

There is an argument for not spring cleaning your TBR. Books come into our lives for a reason. Till they are read, the reason hasn't been met.

Reading Challenges Versus Reading Less

I love a new year. Not the excess drinking and hungover part, but the newness part. A new year means ...

6 Absolutely Magical Unicorn Coloring Books For Your Inner Child

Remember when you were a kid and could spend hours doing a thing simply for the joy of doing it? ...

Love in Uniform: 50 Must-Read Military Romance Books

Whatever it is that draws you to men and women in uniform below are 50 military romance books to cuddle up with. No matter what your favorite uniform is – Army, Air Force, Marines, or Navy – there is something here for everyone.

What Does A Goodreads Three Star Rating Mean to You?

Rating books on Goodreads, what those ratings mean to me, and how they affect the decision to add a book to my TBR. Is three stars a high enough rating?

Christian Books for Teens and Tweens (Plus a Few for Adults)

Do you have a young person who read (or didn’t read) about Narnia and is looking for other Christian themed ...

Bookish Thankful Thoughts

What are some of the bookish things you're thankful for this year?

Nonfiction Books for Curious Middle Schoolers

Have an inquisitive 6th, 7th, or 8th grader? Here are 23 science, history, and other nonfiction books for middle schoolers who are more than curious.

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