Rachel Cordasco

Rachel Cordasco has a Ph.D in literary studies and currently works as a developmental editor. When she's not at her day job or chasing three kids, she's writing reviews and translating Italian speculative fiction. She runs the website sfintranslation.com, and can be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Books To Get You In The Passover Spirit

It’s that time again, ladies and gents: that’s right, the Passover and Easter season. Easter bunnies everywhere, Manischewitz wine flying ...

Literary Tourism: Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore: it is indeed a bookish kind of town. Several months ago, I wrote a post about Baltimore in which ...

Breaking Into Crime Fiction

In the spirit of a “reading challenge,” I decided earlier this year to devote the entire month of March to ...

Parabolas, Colors, and Tattered Pages: Creative Ways to Organize Your Bookshelves

A couple of years ago, Rioter Liberty gave you some fresh ideas for how to creatively organize your bookshelves. Because ...

Books Are Not Data

You might have come across a recent article by Joshua Rothman in The New Yorker entitled “An Attempt to Discover ...

“The Library, Then Ice Cream,” or How I Became a Reader

When I think back on how I became happily addicted to books and reading, I inevitably focus on three things: ...

Dorothy Parker Harshing on Bad Books

I recently recalled that a copy of The Portable Dorothy Parker was kicking around my house somewhere, and remembering that ...

5 Books to Watch for in March

[buyandread isbn=”0547516177″ linkshare=”https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/night-in-shanghai”] [buyandread isbn=”159420473X”] [buyandread isbn=”0765374218″ linkshare=”https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/the-time-traveler-s-almanac”] [buyandread isbn=”0804137145″ linkshare=”https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/black-moon-9″] [buyandread isbn=”0812995783″ linkshare=”https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/every-day-is-for-the-thief”] March means spring, right?!!!!!!! (Oh god, ...

A Bookish Hotel for Your Bucket List

Hi, Fairy Bookmother, it’s me again. Yes, yes, I know it’s not my birthday or a gift-ish holiday, but hear ...

Mashing Up a Month of Reading

My bookish resolution for 2014 was to kick my reading up into high gear. To that end, I’ve been dragging ...