It’s that time again, ladies and gents: that’s right, the Passover and Easter season. Easter bunnies everywhere, Manischewitz wine flying ...
Baltimore: it is indeed a bookish kind of town. Several months ago, I wrote a post about Baltimore in which ...
In the spirit of a “reading challenge,” I decided earlier this year to devote the entire month of March to ...
A couple of years ago, Rioter Liberty gave you some fresh ideas for how to creatively organize your bookshelves. Because ...
You might have come across a recent article by Joshua Rothman in The New Yorker entitled “An Attempt to Discover ...
When I think back on how I became happily addicted to books and reading, I inevitably focus on three things: ...
I recently recalled that a copy of The Portable Dorothy Parker was kicking around my house somewhere, and remembering that ...
[buyandread isbn=”0547516177″ linkshare=””] [buyandread isbn=”159420473X”] [buyandread isbn=”0765374218″ linkshare=””] [buyandread isbn=”0804137145″ linkshare=”″] [buyandread isbn=”0812995783″ linkshare=””] March means spring, right?!!!!!!! (Oh god, ...
Hi, Fairy Bookmother, it’s me again. Yes, yes, I know it’s not my birthday or a gift-ish holiday, but hear ...
My bookish resolution for 2014 was to kick my reading up into high gear. To that end, I’ve been dragging ...