Laura Diaz de Arce

Raised in a suburb built over a swamp, Laura Diaz de Arce is a South Florida writer with a penchant for long-winded explanations and a nasty reading habit she can't seem to kick. Her other quirks include sudden exclamations in Spanish and talking to cats. Laura has a Master's in Literature, which is currently lost somewhere in her office closet. She is the author of "Monstrosity: Tales of Transformation" and "Mask of the Nobleman." You can find her poorly spelled tweets and blurry photos on Twitter and Instagram @QuetaAuthor.

STARLESS: An Interview with Jacqueline Carey

Epic fantasy author Jacqueline Carey discusses her new work, STARLESS, gender fluidity, inspiration, and whether or not we're getting a sequel.

3 Ways to Get “Lit” in Your Cosplay

If you're going to Comic-Con International in San Diego, or any other fandom convention, this summer, consider these book-inspired cosplay ideas.

Stock a Bookshelf To Find Out Which Crystal Gem You Are

Steven Universe fans, this one's for you.

Reading Pathway for Nella Larsen

For those of us who are White passing, White presenting, racially ambiguous or of multiple backgrounds, Nella Larsen books are a boon. Here's where to start with this author.

Yeah, I Skip to the Last Chapter

Knowing what the ending of a book is allows you to pay attention to how the author gets you there, and more reasons it's ok to skip to the last chapter.

Reading Pathways: Ray Bradbury Books

Where to start with Ray Bradbury books? A writer, pop-culture aficionado, patron saint of nerdom, and lover of cats. We've got a list to get you started.

Up Your Reading Game With This Spring Bookish Bucket List

For a lot of you, the sun is now shining and you’re no longer being slapped in the face by ...

Dealing With Loss When You Don’t Know How

So little of literature for adults addresses coping with loss in a healthy way, so one reader has turned to children's books.

Bedtime Books to Read to Your Cat (Or Child!)

Read these bedtime books to your cat. Or your kid, if you're into that.

Great Books that Would Make Bad Musicals

Not all great books would make great musicals.