Katie McLain Horner

Katie's parents never told her "no" when she asked for a book, which was the start of most of her problems. She has an MLIS from the University of Illinois and works full time as a Circulation & Reference Manager in Illinois. She has a deep-rooted love of all things disturbing, twisted, and terrifying and takes enormous pleasure in creeping out her coworkers. When she's not at work, she's at home watching the Cubs with her cats and her cardigan collection. Other hobbies include scrapbooking, introducing more readers to the Church of Tana French, and convincing her husband that she can, in fact, fit more books onto her shelves. Twitter: @kt_librarylady

5 Horror Novels With Open Endings

If you enjoy horror novels with open endings that leave you guessing, similar to the film IT COMES AT NIGHT, try these 5 dark, creepy stories.

100 Staff Picks From My Public Library

A public librarian shares some of her branch's most popular staff picks!

3 Things I Learned From Running My Library’s Adult Summer Reading Program

Lessons learned by a public librarian as she runs her library's adult summer reading programs.

The Psychological Stress of the Clovis-Carver Public Library Shooting

A librarian calls for more open discussion of security and safety in public libraries after the New Mexico library shooting.

My Great White Whale: Searching for THE GOOD HOUSE by Tananarive Due

The great white whale of used books: THE GOOD HOUSE by Tananarive Due

100 Must-Read Shortlisted Genre Fiction Titles

100 of the best books shortlisted for awards, including the Agatha, Edgar, Bram Stoker, Hugo, Nebula, Locus, and RITA awards.

“What the Hell Is Going On?”: The Anxiety of Starting a New Book

Does starting a new book stress you out? You're not alone.

Diverse Titles at Book Expo America

A curated list of some of the upcoming diverse titles heard about at Book Expo America.

On BEA and Looking Critically at Publisher Promotions

The first of a two-part piece taking a hard look at publishing and diversity through the lens of this year's Book Expo America.

LibraryReads So White, or Why Librarians Need to Do Better

Since their creation, the Library Reads lists have only recommended 5.8% authors of color.