James Wallace Harris

James Wallace Harris is a retired computer guy. Jim dreamed of writing science fiction in his social security years, but discovered he loved writing essays more. Life is short and novels are long. He’s written over a thousand essays for his blog Auxiliary Memory. Jim wrote about science fiction for SF Signal before it folded, and now for Worlds Without End. BookRiot gives him the opportunity to write about all the other kinds of books he loves. Finally, he has all the time in the world to read and write, but he never forgets poor Henry Bemis. (Who also found time enough at last, until an evil Twilight Zone fate took it all away.) Twitter: @JimHarris28

Is Fiction An Addiction?

What if you prefer imagined worlds to the real one?

Rx: Take 2 Self-Help Books and Come Back in Three Months

One Rioter talks about how he chooses self-help books and what makes such books useful or not-so useful.

What Would You Do If You Found $200 In An Old Book?

A bookish ethical question.

The Resurrection of Lady Dorothy Mills

Her name was Dorothy Rachel Melissa Walpole Mills. Born in London, 1889, died in Brighton, 1959. Lady Dorothy Mills published ...

The Genesis of Science Fiction

On the idea that science fiction didn't begin in the 17th or 18th centuries, but with our first myths thousands of years ago.

Why Read What We Can’t Remember?

None of us remember the details of every book we read. Here's why we read anyway.