Cassandra Neace

Cassandra Neace is a high school English teacher in Houston. When she's not in the classroom, she reads books and writes about them. She prides herself on her ability to recommend a book for most any occasion. She can be found on Instagram @read_write_make

State-Sponsored Censorship and the ‘Librotraficante’ Caravan

There has been increasing media attention given to Arizona’s decision to remove Mexican American Studies from the public school curriculum. ...

World Book Night: Book Lovers Needed

It’s last call. Applications to be a book giver on World Book Night, April 23, will close on Wednesday, February ...

Margaret Atwood’s Tasting Menu

In November, the Wall Street Journal published “Rethinking the Familiar Book Tour,” a piece that argued bookstore readings were (or ...

John Green’s Traveling Book Show

In November, the Wall Street Journal published “Rethinking the Familiar Book Tour,” a piece that argued bookstore readings were (or ...

Friday Forum: What Makes a Book a Classic?

Earlier this week, I took on the classics. When I use the word “classic,” I am referring to the novels ...

A Case Against Reading the Classics

The book list for World Book Night is noticeably lacking in classic literature. The oldest book on the list is ...

Authors, Bad Reviews, and Bad Reactions

A  book review is a powerful thing. Some authors gladly read their reviews, taking both the good and bad in ...

Reading About the Dead

One of the most common resolutions made by readers in the new year is to make more time for non-fiction. ...

The Archaeologist and the Bookshelf

I like to think I have  learned a few things from all the various books I have read over the ...

Five Books to Look For in 2012

I wanted to spend some time clearing my shelves of books that I had been meaning to read over the ...