
The Best of Book Riot: The Four Bookish Apps You Need to Have Right Now

Wallace Yovetich

Staff Writer

Wallace Yovetich grew up in a home where reading was preferred to TV, playing outside was actually fun, and she was thrilled when her older brothers weren’t home so she could have a turn on the Atari. Now-a-days she watches a bit more TV, and considers sitting on the porch swing (with her laptop) “playing outside”. She still thinks reading is preferable to most things, though she’d really like to find out where her mom put that old Atari (Frogger addicts die hard). She runs a series of Read-a-Longs throughout the year (as well as posting fun bookish tidbits throughout the week) on her blog, Unputdownables. After teaching for seven years, Wallace is now an aspiring writer. Blog: Unputdownables Twitter: @WallaceYovetich

 This week we’re running some of our favorite and most popular posts from our first three months. 


I admit it, I’m a fiend for finding apps that make my life easier. Since getting the iPad (and now the newest iPhone), I’m on a hunt for apps that I’ll use often. I don’t want to clutter my devices with anything that won’t be used on a consistent basis, but I do want to utilize technology to make my life more organized, easy, and fun. Since I’m a reading fool, it makes sense that I enjoy scouting out great apps to make my reading life easier  (for magazines, newspapers, and books). OverDrive was the first of my bookish treasures uncovered, and it is very, very useful, but I knew there had to be more. So My Obsessive Self (the one that comes out when I want-something-right-now-or-I’ll-have-a-fit, and some would describe as my 3 year-old side) decided it needed wanted some new useful bookish apps – I set off (and by “setting off” I mean I plopped my butt down on my cozy couch under a warm blanket, and picked up my favorite toy — a.k.a. my phone) to find what I was desiring.

The second thing that happens to me after My Obsessive Self (hereafter referred to as MOS) attacks, is that it wants to share its findings with anyone who will sit still long enough to listen (or read) about these discoveries. MOS has found shoes, accessories, clothes, THE PERFECT BOOK, and other “unfindable” things for many-a-friends who aren’t as, well, let’s call it “inspired,” shall we?, as MOS. And today, MOS is sharing the four bookish apps you need to have right now. You’re welcome.



This free app was developed by American Booksellers Association and connects you to IndieBound.


  • Location guide for Indie bookstores
  • Indie lists (i.e. Indie Next List, Indie Bestseller List)
  • Mark favorites for later
  • Browse books
  • Purchase e-books
  • Buy books online from Indie bookstores across the United States
Local Books


This free app was developed by Concept House for LibraryThing.org.
  • Finds local bookstores, libraries, bookish places, and book events around where you are located.
(Note: There is another app that is called Reader and it is also by LibraryThing… this app has no ratings and the screenshots are different. I imagine it was possibly the original version of the one I’ve just mentioned above, so take care when downloading the correct version.)
All Bookstores


This free app was developed by KayeTech Systems to compare book prices on more than three dozen online bookstores to find you the lowest prices for books (including textbook prices).
  • Search books
  • View book details and synopsis
  • Save books to wish list
  • Share price comparisons via e-mail
    Example of sites used to compare prices (I only selected 6 out of MANY sites that are used with this app):
    1. Barnes and Noble
    2. AbeBooks
    3. Amazon
    4. Powells
    5. Textbooks.com
    6. Half.com
    7. many, many more…

    This free app was developed by GoodReads, Inc. to allow you to utilize the largest social network for readers, GoodReads.com.
    • Access to your group’s discussions
    • Barcode scanner: to scan books into your read, to-read, or currently reading lists
    • Read e-books that are available on the site
    • Rate and review books
    • Add status updates and page number updates for books you are reading
    • Browse your own GoodReads bookshelves and those of friends
    • See book updates and reviews from friends
    • View literary events near you
    The above apps are free and are available in the iPhone App store. Versions may also be available for Droid phones. Try searching “bookstores” if you cannot find the apps by title. All images are taken from the app store and are not this author’s personal screenshots. 

    Wallace Yovetich reviews an eclectic mix of literature spanning from graphic novels to classic literature on her book blog, Unputdownables. Follow her on Twitter: @BookishWallace