
The Book Riot Podcast, Episode #23: Methodology Bullets

Jeff O'Neal

CEO and co-founder

Jeff O'Neal is the executive editor of Book Riot and Panels. He also co-hosts The Book Riot Podcast. Follow him on Twitter: @thejeffoneal.


The Book Riot Podcast, Episode #23: Methodology Bullets

This week, Rebecca and Jeff talk about Alice Munro winning the Nobel Prize for Literature, more ereading statistics, most-loved literary characters, the most powerful literary agent in the world taking shots at Amazon, new books, and more. This week’s episode is sponsored by Suvudu Universe and Lungs Full of Noise by Tessa Mellas.

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Links discussed in the show:

READ HARDER t-shirts 

Alice Munro wins Nobel Prize

Riot readers’ favorite lit characters

Woman spent one year reading one book from every nation in the world

Survey from USA Today and Bookish reveals people who own e-readers say they read more books

More than 391,000 self-pubbed books in 2013

Andrew Wylie HATES Amazon

New books!

Longbourn by Jo Baker

Best American Essays 2013, edited by Cheryl Strayed


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