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8 Amazing Literary Mash-Ups on Tumblr

Jenn Northington

Director, Editorial Operations

Jenn Northington has worked in the publishing industry wearing various hats since 2004, including bookseller and events director, and is currently Director of Editorial Operations at Riot New Media Group. You can hear her on the SFF Yeah! podcast nerding out about sci-fi and fantasy. When she’s not working, she’s most likely gardening, running, or (obviously) reading. Find her on Tumblr at jennIRL and Instagram at iamjennIRL.

Is there anything as satisfying as cleverly planned literary mash-ups? (Probably there is, but for the purposes of this post let’s go with “No.”) And I’m not talking about rewrites of classics with ninjas or zombies — I’m talking about dialogue swapping, pop-culture-referencing, literary homages. Like, for example, Slaughterhouse 90210 (the grand dame of the pop culture + lit scene). Tumblr is chockful of ’em, and they come in all shapes, all sizes, all variations of pop-culture reference, but here are eight of my absolute favorites.

1. The Hobbit + Brooklyn 99
The Hobbit + Brooklyn 99

2. Parks and Prejudice (Parks and Recreation + Pride and Prejudice)

parks_prejudice_1 parks_prejudice_2

3. Mr. Norrell + popular textposts

Mr. Norrell plus text post

4. Dough Country For Old Men (even though it hasn’t been updated in years)

Dough Country for Old Men plus Dickens5. A Storm of Swansons (can I help it if there are a lot of good Parks & Rec inspired ones? No I cannot.)

Storm of Swansons

6. Incorrect Sylvia Plath Quotes

Incorrect Sylvia Plath Quotes

7. Saved by the Bell Hooks (my childhood & my feminism, all wrapped up together)

Saved by the Bell Hooks

8. Bastardized Tolkien (Star Wars + Lord of the Rings)

bastardizedtolkien1 bastardizedtolkien2

There can never be enough! When you’re done laughing until you cry (or is that just me), please do tell me your favorites?