
30+ Beautiful Bujo Spread Ideas to Track Your Reading

Now, some of you may be asking yourselves, “What are bujos?” So here’s a brief introduction: bujos, or bullet journals, are a sort of DIY planner. They start with a blank notebook—I personally use one with a dot grid—and then you create a planner system for yourself. The DIY nature provides unlimited customizability, and a lot of people are doing some really creative things with their bujos. A bujo spread is just a section of a bujo; it can be a tracker, a regular ol’ planner section, or your big monthly spread.

Trackers are one of the things you can add to your bujo to hold yourself accountable for various tasks or just to keep a record. There are mood trackers, chore trackers, exercise trackers, and, of course, reading trackers!

If you’re feeling a bit lost, check out this guide that explains everything much more in depth.

Bujo Spreads of Book Bindings

Minimalist Trackers

For Open Books (Get It?)

For Those Who Want Detailed Notes

Unconventional Shapes

For Those Who Are Motivated By Numbers

Ones You Can Print For Yourself!

Maybe you want an option that doesn’t require you to whip out all of the pens you own. We’ve got just the thing: Book Marks, a new reading tracker by the folks here at Book Riot.

What if you don’t have any tools to create your bujo spread? Well, you can check out our lists of the best bujo supplies for readers, bookish bujo supplies, and best pens for your bujo.

Next, find some adorable stickers to decorate your bujo here.