#P.G. Wodehouse

Quiz: Original Jeeves and Wooster Quote or Quote from Homage?

Can you tell the difference between quotes taken from original Jeeves and Wooster novels and short stories, and quotes from the parodies?

Jeeves and Blackface

Taking a look at P.G. Wodehouse's THANK YOU, JEEVES and its offensive blackface punchline, and considering approaches to racism in classic literature.

Casting Downton Abbey From Literature, Part II–Downstairs

Several weeks ago I shared a possible cast of Abbey’s “upstairs” denizens; this week, we turn to the popular BBC-produced ...

Casting “Downton Abbey” from Literature: Upstairs

Hardcore Downtonites (and I use the term “hardcore” deliberately–what is “Downton Abbey” if not porn for Anglophiles?) like me have ...