
How to Celebrate National Library Week

To celebrate National Library Week, here are ways to support your own local library, its librarians, and their wonderful programs.

What Not To Say to Public Librarians

I wish I could tell you whether it's nice to read all day, but that's my job, so I can't. And no, you can't eat pizza over the books.

QUIZ: Which Fictional Librarian are You?

What kind of fictional librarian are you? Are you a warrior librarian or a witch? Do you play strictly by the rules or do you break them?

The 10 Best Librarian Characters In TV and Film

From Twilight Sparkle to Conan the Librarian and more, here are the top 10 librarian characters in TV and movies, ranked.

8 of the Most Interesting Buildings That Are Now Libraries (And Bookstores)

From big-box stores and schools to banks and gymnasiums, here are some old buildings that were turned into libraries (and bookstores).

How Can Libraries Help You Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions?

Whether you’ve decided to take up a new hobby, or drop a bad habit, your local library can help you stick to your new year’s resolutions.

Top Tips For Weeding When You’ve Got 100 Other Things To Do

Weeding your library is necessary, but it's no easy task! Here are some tips from a school librarian on how to get it done.

Let the Games Begin! 4 Simple Ways to Include Board Games and Gaming In Libraries

Let the games begin! Here are four simple ways to include board games and gaming in your library, a fun and easy way to draw people together.

Getting Crafty in the Library

As well as being centres for learning and community, libraries can be great locations for arts and crafts sessions. One Rioter shares ways to set up creative meetings in your local library.

Libraries vs. the Cost of Living Crisis

Llibraries are well-placed to help people deal with some aspects of financial pressure. One Rioter shares how libraries are helping in the cost of living crisis.