There are some phenomenal librarians to be found in fiction — and a few duds. Here are 10 of the best fictional librarians in literature.
Historically, public libraries have been targets for fascists, and today's libraries are inherently against what fascism stands for.
Creating library displays has fallen to the wayside for me, but no more! Here are some of the library display ideas I plan to try this year.
Critical thinking skills need to be taught, just like reading, writing, and math. Here's how high school librarians can foster these skills.
From passport services to staff social workers, here are tons of things U.S. public libraries offer that you might not know about.
Libraries need our support now more than ever. Here are some of the ways you can volunteer and give back to help your local library.
We are all aware that libraries across the United States are under attack. Here are some ways you can help.
Fellow educators, we are almost there. Here are my tips for getting through this last quarter of the school year.
These fictional libraries will stay with you long after you turn the final page and make you wish some (but not all!) of them were real.
Celebrating the difference between academic reading and pleasure reading helps students see what role reading might play in their lives.