
20 Must-Read Books Every Runner Should Read

Whether you're running for stress relief, health reasons, or just because it feels fun, we've got the books about running to keep you on track.

Racing Through the Pages: How Books Taught Readers Anyone Can Run

On the books that have inspired both pro and amateur runners, motivating and encouraging them, no matter where they are in their journey.

Books for Reluctant Runners

Do you want to start running, but need a little inspiration? This list of books for reluctant runners will give you the push you need to get started.

7 Books to Read on Global Running Day

If you're thinking about dusting off those running shoes for Global Running Day, we've got some books to help you pound the pavement.

8 Books the 2019 Boston Marathon U.S. Elite Women are Reading

Find out what Des Linden, Lindsay Flanagan, Sarah Crouch, and Becky Wade are reading before the Boston Marathon.

Obnoxious Bangers vs. a Book on Tape: Can I Run to it?

What book on tape could possibly distract me from the inevitable pain and self-questioning this extracurricular habit of mine produces?

My First Time With Audiobooks: Or, What I Listen To When I’m Running

After shying away from audiobooks from years because I'm easily distracted, I discovered that they provide just the kind of focus I need when training for a half-marathon.

Run, Reader, Run: Bookish Tips for Runners

Want to dedicate more time to your running? Join a bookish reading club, sign up for a nerdy 5k, and more literary stuff for runner types!

Running Down London Laneways with Audiobooks

Ever get lost because you were so absorbed in your audiobook? Yep. This is about that.

100 Must-Read Books About Running

Books for, by, and about runners.

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