Many genre authors from marginalized backgrounds get their start in short fiction. Check out these amazing short story collections by authors of color.
A reader on the fear of approaching Octavia Butler's work and being wrung apart by her words.
On one reader's Octavia Butler reading experience with synopses of two particularly poignant short stories.
Octavia Butler was a smurfette of her time, but she had to earn that place. Priya Sridhar discusses the factors that led to the author's success.
Twelfth Planet Press is releasing a collection of letters to Octavia Butler this summer! Get to know her through the words of Butler experts.
On that common (incorrect) assumption made about Octavia Butler's short story "Bloodchild."
Why sci-fi fans should pick up an Octavia Butler book right now.
More than 5 prolific writers inspired by Octavia Butler, including those who were inspired by, and spoke upon, the power of her words.
On KINDRED and other sci-fi-but-not-quite-sci-fi books that are first and foremost about people and strange ways we live in the world.
One reader on how discovering Octavia Butler's FLEDGLING changed her reading life.