#Historical Fiction

The Best Historical Fiction Books You’ve Never Heard Of

Itching for a read set in the past? You're going to want to check out the best historical fiction books you've never heard of.

8 Books That Fictionalize Real Historical Figures

If you love historical fiction, take a dive into the lives of these people with 8 books that fictionalize real historical figures!

10 Books To Read After THE NIGHTINGALE

Looking for more books like The Nightingale, with the same themes and styles, which offer a more nuanced take on war? Find them here!

15 Wildly Interesting Historical Fiction Chapter Books

For kids, teens, and in-betweens, check out the best historical fiction chapter books divided by time period!

8 Immersive Historical Fantasy Books

Want to read more immersive historical fantasy that will suck you into the story? Take a look at these immersive historical fantasy books!

12 Books to Read if you Loved Pachinko

Looking for historical Korean stories or a multigenerational saga with a family secret? Check out these books like Pachinko!

How to Start a Historical Fiction Book Club

Do you want a historical fiction book club but you don't know where to start? Read inside for some tips and ideas.

8 Great Novels about the Perils of War

These contemporary novels depict the perils of war, from leaving everyday lives fraught and homes displaced to the lasting effects of trauma.

What Makes A Book Historical Fiction?

What would you say defines historical fiction? Is it 50 or more years ago? Do the '90s count? This Rioter breaks it down.

8 Books for Fans of Historical K-Dramas

Just finished marathoning every historical K-drama on Netflix and want more? Check out these great books for fans of historical K-dramas!

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