#Flowchart Friday

Flowchart Friday: Are you reading the “right” books?

There’s been a little tension of late around “right” books and “wrong” books. I’ll explore my own philosophy in a ...

Flowchart Friday: 50 Shades of Grey Edition

Should you read 50 Shades of Grey? It’s always a hard decision when you’re wondering whether or not to buy ...

Flowchart Friday: Dr. Seuss Edition

Whose birthday is it? Or whose not-birthday isn’t? Why Dr. Seuss would be one-hundred-eight right this minute! At BookRiot we’re ...

Flowchart Friday: Writer’s Block Edition

Writer’s Block. Ever had it? It’s a giant bitch. Some people say deadlines shake them out of writer’s block. Those ...

Flowchart Friday: The Case of the Long-Lost Sibling

Four NYT Bestseller-type authors are at a surprise party. The surprise? A long-lost brother, of course! How would each of ...

Flowchart Friday: Valentine’s Day Edition

It’s the Friday before Valentine’s Day, and if that has you a little down in the dumps pondering your romantic ...