What happens when you’re more than halfway through a book and *still* haven’t caught feelings for it?
When encouraging reading goes wrong: one reader reflects on a fear of abandoning books rooted in a teacher's approach to reading.
If you're struggling with whether or not to finish a book, consider these points and make up your mind about when not to DNF.
The most DNFed, did-not-finished, absolutely noped, books never finished according to GoodReads users. Here are the August 2018 stats.
Reading slump got you down? Try one of these books!
When a reader who is unafraid to DNF becomes....afraid to DNF.
Rioters discuss what causes an automatic DNF (do not finish) for them when reading.
The specifics may vary, but I’ve noticed five reasons that tend to make me quit reading a book.
One Rioter on the books she just can't give up, even though she believes in the great DNF.