#50 Shades of Grey

Comparing Trump’s Remarks to 50 SHADES is Sexist and Indefensible

Donald Trump was caught on tape advocating sexual assault and his supporters are trying to excuse it because women read Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James.

No One Wants To Read A “Healthy” Love Story

A Rioter insists that great love stories are usually a little, or a lot, messed up.

New Fifty Shades of Grey Trailer!

Gotta say, without the super-tense Beyonce version of “Crazy In Love” that moves the first trailer, the movie looks a ...

10 Recent Google Trends in the World of Books and Reading

Popularity is a fickle thing, and not to be trusted. Lucky for us, Google knows what’s hot and what’s not. ...


Fifty Shades of Grey and The Sheik: two "romance" novels published nearly 100 years apart that reinforce gender roles and cultural norms in similar ways.

5 Bookish ‘Idea’ Videos That Will Blow Your Mind

Five videos from PBS Idea Channel with novel (har har) bookish conundrums.

E.L. James to Publish Writing Guide: A GIF Reponse

In today’s episode of Things That Are Too Horrifying To Respond To With Words Like a Normal Person, Fifty Shades of ...

Watch David Sedaris Read a Passage from FIFTY SHADES OF GREY

You. Are. Welcome. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkdGwW9vJho[/youtube]

Grumpy Old Men and the Books They Hate

So, recently an article came out in which someone complained about, among other tiresome arguments, 50 Shades of Grey and the effect ...

Saturday Night Special: 6 Drunken Readings of FIFTY SHADES OF GREY

Did you guys know there are a bunch of drunk people reading and reviewing Fifty Shades of Grey on YouTube? WHY DIDN’T ...