Books by or about queer people and people of color draw ire because intolerance is baked into American culture. That + book censorship news.
Most parents trust librarians, but that trust is continually undermined. That, plus this week's book censorship news.
Library workers need to stand up for themselves and the work they already do—and need time to do so. That, plus book censorship news.
Public libraries need to prepare for what's happening at school libraries to happen to them. That, plus this week's book censorship news.
The data supports the work of libraries and library workers far more than it doesn't. That, plus this week's book censorship news.
State attorneys for Iowa clarify that the new laws do not ban LBGTQ+ books in school libraries. That, plus book censorship news this week.
The highlights and lowlights of 2023 in book banning news and trends. That, plus this week's book censorship news.
Here's what parents believe about their children's access to age-appropriate material. That, plus this week's book censorship news.
2023 saw the rise of businesses cashing in on the book banning crisis they helped create. That, plus this week's book censorship news.
Despite rhetoric from the far right, most parents feel their kids are safe in libraries and that librarians are trustworthy.