#Breaking in Books

The Most Popular Horror Novels of the Past 5 Years, According to Goodreads

Goodreads has shared a list of 60 of the most popular horror books, according to how many users have shelved them and their average rating.

Canadian Right-Wing Book Banning Groups Don’t Know How School Boards Work

As right-wing methods from the U.S. move north, book banners are encountering issues regarding just how much sway school boards have.

Authors Who Made the Time100 Next List This Year

TIME Magazine has named the people who made its Time100 Next list for 2022. Here are the authors who made the list.

Most Popular Comic Book Superhero by State

Comics have grown in popularity in the last few years, and so have their characters. This shows the most popular superhero by state.

The Bestselling Books of the Week, According to NYT, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and Amazon

The New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and Amazon all have their own bestseller lists. Here are the combined results.

City of Chicago and Chicago Public Library Declare Themselves Book Sanctuaries

The City of Chicago and the Chicago Public Library have declared themselves book sanctuaries, offering a safe space for endangered stories.

5,100 Free Library Cards Issued by Brooklyn Library in Fight Against Book Banning

The Brooklyn Library has issued thousands of library cards across the country, aiding in the fight against censorship.

Spotify Adds Audiobook Feature in U.S.

Today, Spotify has launched its long-awaited audiobooks feature. The company is also looking to create new business models with audiobooks.

2022 National Book Award for Young People’s Literature Nominees Announced

The National Book Foundation has announced the 2022 Longlist for the Young People's Literature Award. Here are the 10 contenders.

John Green’s First Novel May Be Banned At His Old School

"Please don't ban my books in my hometown," John Green concluded in the TikTok. "It's really upsetting for my mom."