
15 Spring Poems to Give You Hope After Winter’s Shenanigans

We’re pretty much over winter at this point. It’s been a rough one. Bitterly cold, stealing our precious, precious heat with negative billion wind chill (idk exact numbers, that’s what it feels like), slicking the sidewalks with ice, bringing a Polar Vortex no one even invited.

Enough of that.

Let’s look forward to what’s coming. Spring is around the corner and bringing with it soft rains, blooming flowers, jacket weather, and the smell of growing things. Let this spring also be about hope, personal growth, new beginnings, and all manner of euphemisms that describe what spring means to us besides the earth thawing and Persephone returning from the underworld . And we can start it all off on a bookish note.

Here are some spring poems to brighten your day.

Spring is Like a Perhaps Hand by E.E. Cummings


Spring is like a perhaps hand

(which comes carefully
out of Nowhere) arranging
a window, into which people look (while
people stare
arranging and changing placing
carefully there a strange
thing and a known thing here) and

changing everything carefully

Spring Poem for the Sake of Breathing by James Masao Mitsui


The sky wants the water to turn grey,
but if I notice how waves

play with the clumps of yellow flags,
or the way turtles share logs,

or even try to understand a friend’s decision
to walk onto a glacier

and end her life—I will be ready
for any poems that have been waiting.

Song of Spring by Hafez

Matsuo Basho


The spring haze.
The scent already in the air.
The moon and ume.

On Imagination by Phillis Wheatley

Instructions on Not Giving Up by Ada Limón


More than the fuchsia funnels breaking out
of the crabapple tree, more than the neighbor’s
almost obscene display of cherry limbs shoving
their cotton candy-colored blossoms to the slate
sky of Spring rains, it’s the greening of the trees
that really gets to me.

My Mississippi Spring by Margaret Walker

I Have This Way of Being by Jamaal May


I have this, and this isn’t a mouth
full of the names of odd flowers

I’ve grown in secret.
I know none of these by name

but have this garden now,
and pastel somethings bloom

near the others and others.

To John Keats, Poet, at Spring Time by Countee Cullen

Come to Me Here from Crete by Sappho


Come to me here from Crete,

To this holy temple, where
Your lovely apple grove stands,
And your altars that flicker
With incense.

A Light Exists in Spring by Emily Dickinson

Two Sewing by Hazel Hall


The Wind is sewing with needles of rain.
With shining needles of rain
It stitches into the thin
Cloth of earth. In,
In, in, in.
Oh, the wind has often sewed with me.
One, two, three.

Spring and All by William Carlos Williams

Cut Lillies by Noah Warren

Gather by Rose McLarney


Some springs, apples bloom too soon.
The trees have grown here for a hundred years, and are still quick
to trust that the frost has finished. Some springs,
pink petals turn black. Those summers, the orchards are empty
and quiet. No reason for the bees to come.

And if spring and all its optimism is really not your thing, Edna St. Vincent Millay’s got you, and you can check out our summer and winter versions if you want to look back or even further ahead in the seasons. What are your favorite spring poems?