Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer

dear book nerd

The Nobel Prize In Literature Winners You Need to Read

There's a big intimidation factor with Nobel Prize in literature winners. I recommend 9 writers to start with, and which works to dive into.

Retro Comic Rewind: Tippy Teen

We're taking it back, back into time with some forgotten comics throwbacks. Today let's look back on Tippy Teen.


Loved this best-selling novel? Find more books like Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin for your next read.

Winter 2023 YA Paperbacks: January–March Releases to TBR

These winter 2023 YA paperbacks are perfect to toss in your tote as you head out for a warm drink and day full of reading.

Your Guide to Winter 2023 YA Books: January-March

Your TBR will be growing by miles with this guide to winter 2023 YA books hitting shelves between January and March.

20 of the Best Audiobooks of All Time

Get listening! The best audiobooks of all time, by single authors or full casts, are ready to get in your ears.

On This Day (December 8-9): Flash Meets Mopee

You've have probably never heard of Mopee before, and that's because the fandom would prefer to forget him.

In Appreciation Of The “Notes” Section In Poetry Collections

For me, the Notes section of a poetry collection has been an independent study in poetry, one of the many readerly joys of my bookish days.

On Loving and Leaving D.C., In Life and In My Reading

How one writer's reading about Washington DC changed from daydreaming about living there, to her decade in the city, to having to leave it.

Your Guide to Summer 2022 YA Books: July – September

Fill up your TBR lists with the ultimate guide to all things summer 2022 YA books hitting shelves across every genre, like Lark and Kasim Start a Revolution by Kacen Callender.