Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer


How To Prevent Thinking About Books from Getting in the Way of Actually Reading Them

Ways to keep time spent doing book-adjacent things from getting in the way of actually reading books.

Inclusive Mystery/Thrillers from September and October

Don't miss some of this years best mystery releases coming out last month and this month!

100 Happy Bookish Feelings

100 things about books and reading that just feel darn good.

How I’ll Teach Reading after Charlottesville

A high school English teacher on the books she plans to teach in response to the events in Charlottesville.

Consider This Permission to Keep All Your Books

Let's talk about the life-changing magic of keeping all your books and not caring what anyone thinks of it.

To the Series I Haven’t Finished

Have you held off on finishing that series?

I Like Watching the Movie First, and I Don’t Care How You Feel About It

If you're not a DNFer, watching the movie first can be a big time saver.

Fear and Butler in America

A reader on the fear of approaching Octavia Butler's work and being wrung apart by her words.

How to Read a Roxane Gay Book

Try to hold back your emotions. Fail miserably.

Giving Up on Books: When ‘to be read’ Becomes ‘did not finish’

When do you finally admit defeat and move a book from the TBR list to the DNF list?