
January 2024 Horoscopes and Book Recommendations

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Susie Dumond

Senior Contributor

Susie (she/her) is a queer writer originally from Little Rock, now living in Washington, DC. She is the author of QUEERLY BELOVED and the forthcoming LOOKING FOR A SIGN from Dial Press/Random House. You can find her on Instagram @susiedoom.

Welcome to Book Riot’s January 2024 Horoscopes and Book Recommendations! It’s a brand new year, and I’m delighted to help you face it head-on with a peek at what the month has in store for each sign. I’ve also got a recommendation for a brand new book that, according to the planets, you’re sure to love. If you’ve got an ambitious reading goal for the year, I also recommend checking out the book recommendations for your moon and rising signs.

We started and ended 2023 in Mercury retrograde, a period of stress and confusion in communication, technology, and travel. But with Mercury stationing direct on January 1, we can all take a deep breath and let some of those frustrations go. And just in time for everyone to take on their New Year’s resolutions and kick off their annual goals, the planets are giving us a boost. Mars, the planet guiding action and how we approach conflict, enters serious, career-driven Capricorn on January 4. It’s followed by Mercury, the planet associated with communication and logic, which enters Capricorn on January 13. It’s a great month for all of us to get our ducks in a row for a big, successful year ahead!

January 2024 Horoscopes and Book Recommendations

Note: Book release dates may have shifted between the writing and publication of this article.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

cover of On Thriving

On Thriving: Harnessing Joy Through Life’s Great Labors by Brandi Sellerz-Jackson (Jan. 9, Ballantine Books)

Take what you need, Aries. Lots of signs are looking for a fresh start in the new year, but you’re especially interested in exploring different directions. It’s okay to be a little selfish. Ignore judgment from others, even if it looks like you’re taking two steps back instead of a leap forward. Have patience with loved ones who might misunderstand your intentions; all will be clear in time. Check out On Thriving by doula Brandi Sellerz-Jackson. Sellerz-Jackson has coached countless people through struggles in what she considers the four great labors of life: relationships, mental health, grief/loss, and feeling othered. In this book, she shares powerful tools for examining the labors you’re facing and using that knowledge to blossom and thrive where you are.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

cover of The Bullet Swallower

The Bullet Swallower by Elizabeth Gonzalez James (Jan. 23, Simon & Schuster)

You’re on a new wavelength, Taurus. Your loved ones have sometimes accused you of being hard to read, but communication is your superpower in 2024. You’ve got a vision, and your ability to share that vision with others is a highly valuable skill. Don’t be afraid of taking the lead. In romance, you can find a true partner in someone with similar hopes for the future and plans for how to get there. Read The Bullet Swallower by Elizabeth Gonzalez James. Antonio Sonoro’s plan to rob a train carrying gold and gems in 1895 Dorado, Mexico, goes horribly wrong and his brother is killed by Texas Rangers. His grief and rage set him off on a quest for revenge that cements him as one of Mexico’s most legendary bandidos. Seventy years later, Mexico’s most famous actor/singer, Jaime Sonoro, receives a magical gift of a book containing his long family history, leading him to discover the truth about his grandfather, Antonio.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

cover of Come and Get It by Kiley Reid; bright green with an illustration of a pig

Come and Get It by Kiley Reid (Jan. 9, G.P. Putnam’s Sons)

It’s all about who you know, Gemini. You’ve always been influenced by the people you keep close, but in 2024, your inner circle can make you or break you. It’s the perfect time to make new connections and experiment with ideas outside of the box. You might be in for a life-changing shift in perspective. When in desperate need of clarity, spend some time alone in nature. You should read Come and Get It by Kiley Reid. Five women’s lives collide in a messy spiral on the University of Arkansas campus. A visiting professor/author offers a senior resident assistant in the college’s most run-down dormitory an opportunity she can’t pass up. But when a group of students living in the dorm plan an ill-advised prank, it leads to a tragic accident that changes everything.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

cover of Behind You is the Sea

Behind You Is the Sea by Susan Muaddi Darraj (Jan. 16, HarperVia)

What role have you been cast in, Cancer? This month, avoid letting other people’s perceptions of you shape your behavior. You’re more than the character others expect you to play. January is the time to explore all your nuances, even if it makes life a little harder for the people you love. You’ll find great joy in surprising others and being surprised yourself. A change in scenery could do you good. This month, read Behind You Is the Sea by Susan Muaddi Darraj. This layered story confronts stereotypes of Palestinian culture through the complicated relationships between three Palestinian families in Baltimore. From a wealthy family struggling to keep their unruly teenagers out of trouble to the family hired to clean up after them, to a young man who bridges the divide between two generations on a trip to Palestine, it’s a nuanced, eye-opening novel full of compelling characters.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Lunar New Year Love Story cover

Lunar New Year Love Story by Gene Luen Yang and LeUyen Pham (Jan. 9, First Second)

Make your voice heard, Leo. You’ve got a clear vision for the year ahead, and now is the time to start shaping it. Your loved ones and colleagues are looking to you for leadership this month. Your enthusiasm and ability to evaluate what others bring to the table can be transformative. The planets are aligned to teach you something new, so don’t be afraid of testing out a different approach. Check out the gorgeous graphic novel Lunar New Year Love Story by Gene Luen Yang and LeUyen Pham. Val recently lost all faith in the existence of true love, which is ironic for someone named after Valentine’s Day. But when a tiger dancer gives her a paper heart at a Lunar New Year celebration, Val decides to take fate into her own hands and give love one more chance to prove her wrong.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

cover of Recipe for a Charmed Life

Recipe for a Charmed Life by Rachel Linden (Jan. 9, Berkley)

Down to business, Virgo. The last couple of months have gotten you off track, but now is the perfect time to refocus. You’re not running behind; the planets have you just where they want you. This is your year for reinvention, especially the kind that feels scary. You’ve got whole new sides of yourself waiting to be discovered. Romance can be found while venturing off the beaten path. You should read Recipe for a Charmed Life by Rachel Linden. Georgia has spent years working her way up through Parisian kitchens to chase her dream of opening a restaurant. But then, on one terrible night, she gets dumped by her boyfriend, fired from her sous chef job, and loses her sense of taste. She visits her mother on an island off the coast of Washington in hopes of reigniting her culinary creativity. But magical coincidences keep pushing Georgia to reconsider if her life plan is really what she wants.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

cover of The City of Stardust

The City of Stardust by Georgia Summers (Jan. 30, Hodderscape)

Press reset, Libra. You’re starting the new year feeling off-kilter, making it hard to find the balance you rely on. Time spent alone can help bring clarity. Even if it feels like you should be hitting the ground running, engaging in relaxing hobbies is just as important for getting in the right headspace. You might feel pressure from family expectations this month, so set firm boundaries. I recommend The City of Stardust by Georgia Summers. Violet’s family has long lived under the shadow of a dark curse: the brightest and most promising person from each generation is taken by a mysterious, ageless woman. After Violet’s mother disappears, Violet is determined to unveil the truth of their family’s curse. Her journey will take her into a world of dark magic, knowledge-hungry scholars, and fickle gods.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

cover of The Fetishist by Katherine Min

The Fetishist by Katherine Min (Jan. 9, G.P. Putnam’s Sons)

No one can throw you off course, Scorpio. You know exactly what you want this month, and you know what it will take to get it. Your determination and drive are at full strength. Even if others try to get in your way, you’ll be able to laugh them off easily if you keep your eyes on the prize. Health troubles are the only things that could slow you down, so listen to your body carefully. Your perfect January read is The Fetishist by Katherine Min. Daniel has broken many hearts, including that of his wife, Alma, who is now on her deathbed. Another of his conquests was Emi, a fellow musician in Daniel’s orchestra. Emi’s daughter Kyoko, the lead singer of a punk band, believes her mother’s affair with Daniel led to her death. Now, Kyoko has a plan for revenge, and she won’t rest until Daniel pays for what he’s done.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

cover of The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years by Shubnum Khan; image of a woman in a red headdress kneeling

The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years by Shubnum Khan (Jan. 9, Viking)

What have you learned, Sagittarius? It’s a new year, but old problems are circling back around to haunt you. A person or situation from your past will resurface in January, but you’ve come far since the last time. Now is your chance to prove yourself. It may not be an ideal start to 2024, but with a little creativity and intentionality, it could set you on an unexpectedly great track. You should read The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years by Shubnum Khan. Sana and her father move into a crumbling old boarding house off the coast of South Africa. Most of the mansion’s residents avoid poking around the dark, dusty corners. But Sana becomes fascinated by the building’s history and starts opening doors to rooms that haven’t been explored for years — while being unknowingly watched by a century-old djinn with a growing interest in Sana.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

cover image for The Night of the Storm

The Night of the Storm by Nishita Parekh (Jan. 16, Dutton)

You’re in your element, Capricorn. There’s nothing you love more than taking on a new challenge, and you’ve set yourself up perfectly to take on the one ahead. But remember that you’re more than your accomplishments. Your singular focus can cause frustrations with loved ones this month. Don’t let the important people in your life forget that they matter to you. Your January read is The Night of the Storm by Nishita Parekh. As Hurricane Harvey swirls toward 2017 Houston, single mom Jia and her troubled 12-year-old son are forced to shelter with Jia’s sister in her wealthy neighborhood, along with an uncomfortable assortment of friends and family. The storm waters rise alongside tensions inside the house, and when two people end up dead, it’s unclear if the hurricane or a dangerous human is at fault.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

cover of Your Utopia: Stories Bora Chung; yellow with a white robot with red eyes

Your Utopia: Stories by Bora Chung, translated by Anton Hur (Jan. 30, Algonquin Books)

You see the full picture, Aquarius. The planets are positioned to give you a broad perspective and level head this month. Tangled problems you’ve been working through for weeks will finally straighten out, and you can see a new path forward. Your clear vision can also benefit loved ones and colleagues looking for advice. In romance, a special someone will see you in a new light. Read Your Utopia, a short story collection by Bora Chung, translated by Anton Hur. These speculative, dystopian, and horror-tinged stories play with themes of technology, mortality, and balances of power. From the AI-operated elevator of an apartment building to nature fighting back against GMO companies, it’s a wide-ranging collection that’s sure to draw you in and expand your mind.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

cover of The Fake Dating Game

The (Fake) Dating Game by Timothy Janovsky (Jan. 23, Afterglow Books)

You’re full of surprises, Pisces. You’ve got powerful creativity in January, bringing you fresh ideas and plenty of energy. Obstacles on your path will turn into inspiration for a brilliant plan B. Flexibility is your superpower. Big opportunities and fascinating new people can be found while traveling this month. Money might be tight, but you’ve got a few tricks up your sleeve to stretch it. I recommend The (Fake) Dating Game by Timothy Janovsky. Holden spent years looking forward to competing on his favorite reality competition show, Madcap Market, and hoped to win in memory of his mother, who loved it as much as he does. But when Holden gets dumped before filming and left partnerless for the competition, his hopes are dashed. A handsome hotel concierge comforts Holden, and they’ve got amazing chemistry. Can that natural chemistry be enough to win over the casting directors and bring Holden’s dream back within reach?

Thanks for joining us for your January 2024 horoscopes and book recommendations! Looking for more books you’ll love based on your sign? Check out your October, November, and December horoscopes and book recommendations!