
December 2020 Horoscopes and Book Recommendations

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Welcome to Book Riot’s December 2020 Horoscopes and Book Recommendations! As 2020 comes to a close, the last new books of the year are hitting shelves. What book should you read in December? Let the stars be your guide! Find your December horoscope below, paired with a newly released book you’re sure to love.

Take note of the solar eclipse taking place on December 14. Solar eclipses signify a new path becoming clear, a cosmic shift in your direction. Signs across the zodiac will experience big changes mid-December. Some signs handle change better than others. If you’re struggling with a big life change, I recommend turning to a beloved old book. A reread may bring something into new light for you this month.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

A Spy in the Struggle cover

A Spy in the Struggle by Aya de León

Aries should expect big changes in December. You’ve got a lot of moving pieces—literally and metaphorically—in your home life and work life. This may be stressful while you’re in the thick of it, but it will position you well for the start of a new year. Some long-standing beliefs may shift this month as well. Even if you hate admitting you were wrong, it’s worth the trouble to make things right. Read A Spy in the Struggle (December 29, Berkley) by Aya de León. When corporate lawyer Yolanda turns over evidence during an FBI raid of her prestigious law firm, she ends up in a new job as a lawyer for the Bureau. Before she knows it, she’s sent undercover to an “extremist” Black activist group in California, where a whirlwind romance and a mysterious death force her to choose between the FBI and the smart, passionate teens in her own hometown.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

An Outsider's Guide to Humans cover

An Outsider’s Guide to Humans: What Science Taught Me about What We Do and Who We Are by Camilla Pang, PhD

Try something new this month, Taurus. You prefer sticking to what you know, but the stars align to help you think outside the box in December. Changing tactics at work could lead to big success, and a fresh perspective on your finances can turn things around. A new relationship (or an old relationship taken in a new direction) will be passionate, and may even bring lasting connection. Check out An Outsider’s Guide to Humans (December 1, Viking) by Camilla Pang, PhD. Pang is a computational biologist who was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder as a child. In this instruction manual for being human, Pang uses her unique perspective and scientific background to explore how we can live happier and more connected lives.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

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The Mystery of Mrs. Christie by Marie Benedict

Gemini has some loose ends to tie up before the end of the year. Family drama can only be settled by having difficult conversations. At work, your goals can be reached, but only with the support of your team. Some personal relationships may reach a crossroads in December. If a relationship lifts you both up, invest in it. But if it consistently brings you down, it might be time to part ways. I recommend The Mystery of Mrs. Christie (December 29, Sourcebooks Landmark) by Marie Benedict. Agatha Christie famously went missing for eleven days in 1926, and after claiming amnesia upon her return, she took the secret of what really happened to her grave. In this historical fiction novel, Benedict imagines what might have been behind the disappearance, and explores the role Christie’s unfaithful husband might have played in the mystery.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

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Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabi Rivera and Celia Moscote

You’ve got a lot to learn this month, Cancer. You’re open to new ideas in December, putting educational pursuits in focus. Changes in your career may force you to pick up some new skills. Tough situations with your family and your finances will lead you to learn some lessons the hard way. You tend to take these situations personally, but try to see it as an opportunity for growth instead. You might enjoy the new graphic novel adaptation of Juliet Takes a Breath (December 1, BOOM! Box) by Gabi Rivera, illustrated by Celia Moscote. After coming out to her family goes worse than expected, Juliet travels to Portland for a summer internship with her icon, a famous feminist author. She learns a lot about herself—and that icons aren’t always who we want them to be.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Mediocre cover

Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America by Ijeoma Oluo

Watch your ego this month, Leo. You tend to trust your gut, but it may lead you astray in December. If facing a tough decision, consider all options and ask for input from people you trust. Don’t abuse positions of power, especially at work. The good news? Time with family and romantic partners will be blissful, and the holidays will help you create long-lasting memories with loved ones. Read Mediocre (December 1, Seal Press) by Ijeoma Oluo. This historical look at white male America explores the socioeconomic and political ways racism and sexism have shaped our country to protect white male power. Even further, it considers how that grip on power has stood in the way of happiness and liberty for all Americans.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

How to Fail at Flirting cover

How to Fail at Flirting by Denise Williams

Virgo needs a level head in December. Life is throwing a lot at you and it will take all of your focus to keep up. You prefer to handle challenges alone, but collaboration is necessary to get through the end of the year. Old friends may come through for you in unexpected ways. Some things will necessarily fall through the cracks this month; prioritize to make sure you catch the things that matter. Check out How to Fail at Flirting (December 1, Berkley) by Denise Williams. When Professor Naya Turner learns her university department may get cut, her friends challenge her to rebound by getting out on the town and living a little. Jake, a charming stranger visiting town, seems like the perfect person for a fling. But as the fling turns into something more, Naya finds that her new relationship might destroy her career.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Cheeky cover

Cheeky: A Head-to-Toe Memoir by Ariella Elovic

Take it easy this month, Libra. Holidays and end-of-year celebrations with family will be full of joy, and you may find other achievements to celebrate as well. You’re unlikely to make progress on career goals, so save yourself the stress and focus on fun. Trouble looms ahead in romantic relationships; make sure you and your partner are on the same page, especially when it comes to finances. I recommend Cheeky (December 8, Bloomsbury) by Ariella Elovic. It’s hard to embrace your body in a world that constantly points you to perceived imperfections. In this joy-filled graphic memoir, Ariella Elovic reclaims her body with radical self-love, including the stray hairs, bumps, and weird smells society tells us to hide.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Take It Back cover

Take It Back by Kia Abdullah

Scorpio is hot and cold in December. Your mood this month can turn on a dime, and that volatility may cause some social trouble. Some people may grow frustrated with your volatility and need some space. Give them that space, and look to your loved ones who can handle the heat for support. Your quick reactions in December may lead to big wins at work and in money matters, though. Try Take It Back (December 8, St. Martin’s Press) by Kia Abdullah. This courtroom drama follows the case of teenager Jodie, who accuses four classmates from immigrant families of rape. One of London’s brightest lawyers, Zara Kaleel, is determined to fight for Jodie at any cost—and she quickly learns that the cost will be higher than she expected.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

When the TIger Came Down the Mountain cover

When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain by Nghi Vo

Loved ones are your lifeline this month, Sagittarius. Trouble abounds at work, in finances, and in travel difficulties. Even worse, all of that stress may take a toll on your health. While things may not be perfectly smooth at home, trust your family to take care of you and know what you need. With guidance from trusted advisors, you may be a better person by the time you emerge from December’s chaos. Read When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain (December 8, by Nghi Vo. This mesmerizing novella finds nonbinary cleric Chih and their companions waiting anxiously to be saved by mammoths as they come face to face with a hungry band of tigers. To buy time, the cleric tells an intricate and transporting story of a tiger and her scholar lover—a story the tigers can’t cut short.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

How to Catch a Queen cover

How to Catch a Queen by Alyssa Cole

Capricorn will experience foundational changes in December. You’ve got an eye on the future and want to prepare yourself for big moves in 2021. This may be a tough month, as you’re trying to rebuild yourself from the ground up. Family and friends may struggle to understand your efforts. To avoid holiday frustrations, update them on your big plans and ask for their support. You might enjoy How to Catch a Queen (December 1, Avon) by Alyssa Cole. Shanti has dreamed and trained to marry into royalty and become a queen. But her new husband King Sanyu didn’t ask for his destiny to rule the country Njaza, recently freed from colonialism. Shanti has what it takes to make their marriage and their kingdom succeed, but when turmoil causes her to run away, can Sanyu convince her to come back?

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Black Futures cover

Black Futures Edited by Kimberly Drew and Jenna Wortham

You thrive during changing times, Aquarius. This month’s eclipse will be not only productive for you, but also enjoyable. Expect major shifts in your social circle and happy new developments with family. Change at work may lead to fantastic new ideas, which will in turn lead to financial wins. In romantic relationships, you’ll find great joy by putting others before yourself. Ride the wave! Check out Black Futures (December 1, One World) edited by Kimberly Drew and Jenna Wortham. This collection includes a variety of forms and perspectives on what it means to be Black in America, and what the future holds for Black people and culture. It includes a variety of forms to create a unique and engaging narrative, including essays, poems, images, recipes, memes, social media posts, and more.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

The Cousins cover

The Cousins by Karen M. McManus

Prepare to butt heads this month, Pisces. You tend to go with the flow, but when opinions clash in December, you’re ready to stand your ground. Clashes in your career may end in your favor, leading to a promotion. Some conflict may come from social interactions with people new to your circle. Welcome the opportunity to engage in challenging conversations and learn from differing perspectives. Try The Cousins (December 1, Delacorte Press) by Karen M. McManus. Three cousins are surprised when the reclusive grandmother they’ve never met invites them to her island resort for the summer. The cousins aren’t close, but their parents insist they must participate in this opportunity to get the family back in good graces with their grandmother. But once they arrive on the island, it’s quickly made apparent that this won’t be the heartwarming family reunion they hoped.

We hope you enjoyed your December 2020 Horoscopes and Book Recommendations! Looking for more? Check out your September, October, and November horoscopes and book recommendations!