I like to pretend that the classics are a soap opera. It started when I was in tenth grade and ...
Over the last twenty-four hours or so, the odds of Bob Dylan winning the Nobel Prize tomorrow have moved from ...
A few weeks ago, Chad Harbach’s debut novel The Art of Fielding was excerpted in Sports Illustrated. I couldn’t tell ...
I feel so sorry for Dracula. Not the character. He’s a magical psychopath. He’s fine. I feel sorry for the ...
As a bonafide grown up (membership card pending successful completion of one week without letting clothes pile up on the ...
Thomas Wolfe kicked my ass. Look Homeward, Angel is 15 percent beautiful, partially nonsensical prose, 10 percent plot, and 75 percent WHAT ...
Everyone has their Genre Kryptonite. Nerd Boys who anxiously await a sci-fi apocalypse so all their video-gaming and LARP-ing can ...
Though e-books, bookstore closings, and self-publishing are dominating book news these days, there is actually something more fundamental changing about ...
Ladbroke’s, one of those English gambling houses that seem to have a prop for everything, has an extensive board for ...
I’m going to step out on a limb here and assume you’ve had the experience of reading a dull book ...