#Young Adult Literature

Looking for the best young adult books, new YA books for your pre-order list, or young adult fiction for yourself or to give to the teens in your life? We’ve got all the bases (and genres) covered.

What I Learned From a Harry Potter Movie Marathon

Want to see what you missed when reading the Harry Potter books? Watch all the movies in one day.

Why YA is the Perfect Genre for Twenty-Somethings

You are young adults, after all.

No More Love Triangles, Please

A plea to YA authors: please stop with the love triangles!

3 On A YA Theme: Ice Cream!

Cool off with these ice cream covered YA books

Six Young Adult Characters Reimagined As Bands

Ever imagined young adult characters reimagined as bands? We've got six ideas along with their band's logo.

Combating Fat Phobia in YA Lit

Where can you find great depictions of fat characters in YA Lit? Maybe fat phobia will end through graphic novels meant for YA readers.

3 On A YA Theme: First Love

First love can sometimes be the best love. Check out these YA books featuring first love.

We Need Diverse Books: Real Teens Have Their Say

Real teens weigh in on the We Need Diverse Books campaign

How FANGIRL Restored My Faith in Humanity

While we at the Riot are taking this lovely summer week off to rest (translation: read by the pool/ocean/on our ...

Young Rebels of Fiction: Book Recommendations for Introverts

Book recommendations for introverts looking to live vicariously through young rebels of fiction.