
New romance books are coming out every week, and we’re here to help you find the best, no matter which genre of romance novels you’re into. Regencies, contemporaries, queer romance from all time periods, paranormals—you name it, we’re reading it. Read on to find the most compelling romance novels out there, for all steam levels! Go on, get your trope on.

They’re (Paper) Ba-ack: January 22, 2013

Tuesday is New Book Day. We celebrate each week by highlighting titles we’re excited to see arrive in paperback. [galleryview ...

Six Degrees of Sir Francis Bacon

Even before there was an internet, there were memes, and the most memorable of my adolescence was “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.” I’m ...

Watch David Sedaris Read a Passage from FIFTY SHADES OF GREY

You. Are. Welcome. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkdGwW9vJho[/youtube]

Best of Book Riot: Book Cover Trends That Should Die Before 2013

To celebrate the end of the year, we’re running some of our favorite posts from the last six months. We’ll ...

Thoughts About the 2012 Goodreads Choice Award Winners

1,156,852 votes were cast this year in the Goodreads Choice Awards. That number makes me so happy it feels like ...

Nancy Huston Scores the Bad Sex in Fiction Award

Good thing E. L. James has her Person of the Year in publishing award to keep her warm, since she ...

Walking Through Bookshops with Boys

A personal romantic history through the lens of (what else?) bookish moments. # I am fourteen. My first boyfriend and ...

Why E.L. James is The Person of the Year in Publishing

Today, Publishers Weekly announced E.L. James as their Person of the Year. PW explains: Because the success of the series ...

Saturday Night Special: 6 Drunken Readings of FIFTY SHADES OF GREY

Did you guys know there are a bunch of drunk people reading and reviewing Fifty Shades of Grey on YouTube? WHY DIDN’T ...

The Best of BookRiot.tv: The Most Watched Book Trailers – October 6-12, 2012

Here are the most popular book trailers from the last week on BookRiot.tv. Click the cover to watch!