
How Many Words Did Shakespeare Invent?

It's in the hundreds. Find out how many words and phrases Shakespeare invented, along with a breakdown of how words are "invented."

The Correlation Between Sundown Towns and Book Bans: Forsyth County, GA

Disclaimer: due to the topic of this article, there will be some mentions of racial violence and a brief mention ...

How to Contact Your Legislators About Book Bans (And Why it Matters)

We've got all the tools you need to research and contact your local lawmakers about book bans and censorship.

Heather Has How Many Mommies? The Importance of Community to The Creation of HEATHER HAS TWO MOMMIES

How did HEATHER HAS TWO MOMMIES, one of the most challenged books in the US, come to be written?

The Best Of the Best Of’s: An Exploration of Best Of Anthologies

Thousands of short stories are read each year in order for editors to create Best of anthologies. Here is a look at a few.

The History of the Cherokee Phoenix, the First Native Language Newspaper

The Cherokee Phoenix was the first indigenous newspaper in the U.S., starting in 1828, and it is still reporting today.

A History of DRACULA in Pop Culture

From its publication in 1897 to Dracula Daily's popularity today and the countless adaptations in between, Dracula has staying power.

Who Was Sappho?

Sappho was born sometime in the 7th century BCE in Ancient Greece, but who was Sappho and why do we still read her poetry?

That Time Isabel Allende Got Fired for (Re)Writing Feminist Characters

Let me tell you about the time Allende was fired for rewriting the characters and endings of the stories she translated —without approval.

Nobuko Yoshiya: 1920s Revolutionary Lesbian Novelist

Nobuko Yoshiya was a wealthy, successful novelist who was out as a lesbian in Japan in the 1920s. So why isn't she a famous queer icon?

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