Best of Book Riot

Books to Improve Your Media Literacy

Rebecca Joines Schinsky

Chief of Staff

Rebecca Joines Schinsky is the Chief of Staff for Riot New Media Group and a co-host of the Book Riot Podcast. She can be reached at

Fight your case of the Mondays with a variety pack of bookish goodness.

There’s Never Been a Better Time to Pick Up a Book About Media Literacy

I don’t need to tell you that we’re living in an unprecedented moment of disinformation, misinformation, and conspiracy theories. While lies, spin, and conspiracies have always been a part of media, it’s frightening how quickly they can spread and how big their effects can be now. Elections can be decided based on voting informed by misinformation. Conspiracy theories spread on Facebook helped to drive the January 6th Capitol attack. Disinformation has seeped into every part of our online discourse — hijacked by those who want to steer political conversations by force.

8 Books for Women in Translation Month

Founded by Meytal Radzinski, Women in Translation Month encourages readers to pick up more books by women in translation. Like it says on the #WITMonth website, only 36% of books translated into English are from non-European countries, and less than 31% of translations into English are written by women. Radzinski gives readers hundreds of recommendations, keeps track of new releases, and even created a #WITMonth BINGO board!

In honor of Women in Translation Month, I’ve pulled together eight of my favorite books by women in translation from around the world. Some of these stories are dark and mysterious with a touch of magic. Others are gritty, rooted in their own version of reality. Still others delve into the past, another time when the world looked very different. But each of these books is written by a woman with a story to tell and ideas they want to share with the world.

Cover Reveal: And, Too, the Fox by Ada Limón and Gabby D’Allesandro

Plunge headlong into the natural world with U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón in And, Too, the Fox. This vivid poem encourages readers to consider the everyday experiences of a fox, piecing together a living in his own wild way.

Limón’s verse is paired with lush illustrations by Gaby D’Alessandro, celebrating the simple joy of observing—and finding connection with—the animals all around us. A stunning book to read, to share, and to cherish.

12 of the Funniest SFF Novels

Whether you’re in the mood for something escapist or witty and profound, you’ll find plenty to enjoy in these 12 funny science fiction and fantasy novels. I’ve included a mix of established authors like Connie Willis and rising stars like Kaliane Bradley to give you a wide range of options for your next read.