Raych Krueger
Raych has so many kids (like, two, but they’re super young, which makes it seem like there are more of them) and this really cuts into her reading time. She’s using her degrees in Early Childhood Education and English Literature to teach the toddler to read to the baby so she can get back to her trashy Victorian sensation novel, or whatever. She’s also teaching her kids to travel and eat broadly, mostly through example (Do As I Do is super important, you guys), and hasn’t gone a year without hopping on a plane since she was a teenager. She recently moved from the Canadian coast to the Canadian prairies, where it gets hella cold, and if not for the internet, she’d surely be dead.
Blog: Books I Done Read
Twitter: @raychraych
How to Grown-Up: Books That Will Teach You To Be An Adult
Raych Krueger
July 13, 2015
I’m 33 and I still don’t totally know how to laundry. Scarily accurate. For some people this is a weird ...
I Read Princess Books Because I’m A Feminist
Raych Krueger
July 7, 2015
While we at the Riot are taking this lovely summer week off to rest (translation: read by the pool/ocean/on our ...
17 Trans and Gender-Creative Books for Preschoolers
Raych Krueger
June 23, 2015
My oldest daughter is at that delightful age where you say, Sometimes boys wear dresses, and she says, Yes! And ...
I Read Princess Books Because I’m A Feminist
Raych Krueger
May 11, 2015
My three-year-old is all about them princess books right now, and because I am a woman of a certain age, ...
How to Read To Your Kids So Your Kids Will Eat Good
Raych Krueger
April 27, 2015
READING CAN MAKE YOUR KIDS EAT GOOD FOOD. It’s like voodoo. And not even the books you read, though there ...
Does FanFic Fix Fiction?
Raych Krueger
April 23, 2015
George R R Martin writes strong female characters and attends cons and opposes GamerGate and maintains a blog and BY ...
How to Read So Your Kids Will Eat Good
Raych Krueger
April 2, 2015
People are always like, Children should come with instruction manuals, ha ha ha *sob* because once you have children, your ...
Literary No-Fly Zones
Raych Krueger
March 13, 2015
I used to be able to read any old thing I wanted, except for books about torture. Torture has always ...
Tropes and Why We Love Them (And Love To See Them Smashed)
Raych Krueger
March 2, 2015
Tropes are the best, and also the absolute worst. A trope is, like, ‘a thing,’ as in, ‘Oh, is that a ...
Quiz: Books That Make You Feel Better About Winter
Raych Krueger
February 4, 2015
There comes a time when you need to look at your life and look at your choices and that time is usually winter. ...
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