Listen to MAD MEN creator Matthew Weiner read the Frank O'Hara poems that inspired MAD MEN, new on audiobook July 19, 2016.
Panels is seeking awesome website publishers and bloggers of all sizes from all over the world to join our comic ad network!
Book Riot snapchatter Rachel offers up ideas and tips for how to talk about books on Snapchat.
Riot is seeking awesome website publishers and bloggers of all sizes from all over the world to join our bookish ad network!
We're celebrating Audiobook Month with this exclusive video of Stephen King gushing adorably about why he hearts audiobooks!
Free knitting pattern alert! Get complete instructions to knit your very own drink sleeve that says "Word Nerd."
Getting on Snapchat? Follow these bookish accounts!
Book Riot's librarian staff and contributors have selected some of the most interesting topics affecting libraries for this monthly digest of library news.
A look at what the Riot contributors are reading right now.
The world's first Explorastorium, called The Rabbit hOle, is opening in Kansas City, MO.