Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer

Laura Diaz de Arce

Raised in a suburb built over a swamp, Laura Diaz de Arce is a South Florida writer with a penchant for long-winded explanations and a nasty reading habit she can't seem to kick. Her other quirks include sudden exclamations in Spanish and talking to cats. Laura has a Master's in Literature, which is currently lost somewhere in her office closet. She is the author of "Monstrosity: Tales of Transformation" and "Mask of the Nobleman." You can find her poorly spelled tweets and blurry photos on Twitter and Instagram @QuetaAuthor.

Fairytale Facts and Faux Pas

Wherein some misconceptions and misunderstanding about fairy tale are addressed, clarified, and corrected by a reader and amateur folklorist.

The Worst Books We Were Given As Gifts

Ever have someone gift you a book that was absolutely the wrong book they could have given? Here are the worst books these Rioters received.

Stress Binge-Reading

Everything is a garbage fire and life is hard, let's read about shape-shifting romance.

The Reader’s Nightmare: A Choose-Your-Own-Path Halloween Story

We're kicking off Halloween at Haunted Riot with a Choose-Your-Own-Path horror story set in a library! And check out all of our Halloween content.

Throw An ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? Themed Party for Halloween

Welcome fellow members of the Midnight Society! We humbly submit this ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? party proposal for your approval.

Build a Tinder Profile To Reveal Which Greek Hero You Are

Swipe left.

Conceptualizing Latinx Identity In Speculative Fiction

"But can a Latinx person exist outside of this universe? Are we a set of people without our history?"

21 Ways to Organize Your TBR Pile

From newest release to oldest, to asking Paul the Octopus, here are ways to organize your TBR (both serious and not).

9 Science Fiction and Fantasy Webcomics to Binge Now

Free-to-read science fiction and fantasy webcomics you can binge-read right now.

ITZÁ: The Pain and the Power of Brujería

On pain, generational trauma, racism, and more in Itzá by Rios de La Luz.