Emma Nichols

Emma Nichols is a career bookseller. Though she expected to grow up to be a librarian, or a witch, she's quite happy with how things are working out. Officially, she specializes in children's books and manages their book fairs; unofficially, she is passionate about short stories and spreadsheets. When not evangelizing her favorite books to unsuspecting customers, she can be heard discussing books and bookselling on her podcast Drunk Booksellers. Her other hobbies include organizing her books, taking pictures of her cat, and binge-re-watching her favorite TV shows. Blog: The Bibliot Twitter: @thebibliot

Amazon Alternatives

While we at the Riot take some time off to rest and catch up on our reading, we’re re-running some of ...

Reading Pathway: Kelly Link’s Short Stories

I have a reputation around my bookstore for being especially fanatic about a single author. If I see a customer ...

Six Books to Reach Your Reading Goal

So you set yourself a reading goal, which you still haven’t reached, but now it’s December and you’re kind of ...

Amazon Alternatives

Alright, let’s get a few things out of the way. I’m not here to convince you that Amazon is a ...

Meet the New LibraryThing iPhone App

Nerds of the internet, get excited. LibraryThing—undersung cataloger of ALL your books—now has an iPhone app. I tried it out using ...

6 Reasons Why Cat Valente’s Fairyland Is Perfect for Travelers

Recently I’ve had a lot of friends leave me—for long trips or big moves; I swear I’m not driving them ...

5 Books I (and Nick Hornby) Recommend

I’ve been reading Ten Years in the Tub by Nick Hornby for one hundred and sixty-one days (I know this because I obsessively ...

Book “Borrower” Confessionals

We all have books borrowed months or even years ago still sitting on our shelves, right? I keep mine in ...

7 Cures for Your Book Hangover

A friend of mine recently finished Uprooted by Naomi Novik, which I’d given her for her birthday. She texted me ...

Teenage Cleopatra, a Few Murder Plots, and My Second Grade Self

I recently finished Cleopatra, the biography by Stacy Schiff. It’s the first biography I’ve ever read cover to cover because, ...