Elisa Shoenberger
Elisa Shoenberger has been building a library since she was 13. She loves writing about all aspects of books from author interviews, antiquarian books, archives, and everything in between. She also writes regularly for Murder & Mayhem and Library Journal. She's also written articles for Huffington Post, Boston Globe, WIRED, Slate, and many other publications. When she's not writing about reading, she's reading and adventuring to find cool new art. She also plays alto saxophone and occasionally stiltwalks. Find out more on her website or follow her on Twitter @vogontroubadour.
Reading Pathways: Gabriel Bá and Fábio Moon
Elisa Shoenberger
August 24, 2023
A brief exploration of twin brother comic book superstars Gabriel Bá and Fábio Moon known for DAYTRIPPER, THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY, and others
What Murder Mysteries Get Wrong About Bail
Elisa Shoenberger
August 22, 2023
Bail and bounty hunters are popular plot points in crime fiction, but they're not always accurate. Here's what they get wrong about bail.
Tarot Cards as a Writer’s Tool
Elisa Shoenberger
August 17, 2023
Tarot cards can be a great source of inspiration for creatives, as these writers who use tarot to guide their writing show.
Europa Editions and Literature as a Bridge
Elisa Shoenberger
August 7, 2023
Europa Editions has been publishing incredible books since 2005 including Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan Novels. Let's dive into their history.
Beyond Reading The Cards: The Use of Tarot in Fiction
Elisa Shoenberger
July 28, 2023
What role can tarot cards play within a narrative? An exploration of the cards in creative and potent storytelling.
Yilin Wang on The Poetry of Qiu Jin and the Important Work of Translation
Elisa Shoenberger
July 27, 2023
After a dispute with the British Museum, Yilin Wang discusses the importance of feminist poet Qiu Jin and the complex work of translation.
Is this a Real Punny Cozy Mystery Title, or Not?
Elisa Shoenberger
July 26, 2023
There’s nothing quite like a good punny title. Can you find the real punny title in this quiz or will you choose the fake one that I created?
8 Recently Published Political Graphic Nonfiction and Memoirs
Elisa Shoenberger
June 22, 2023
These eight eye-opening graphic nonfiction and memoirs focus on politics and identity, and they're all published in the last few years, including The Black Panther Party: A Graphic Novel History.
What Mystery Novels Get Wrong about the Courtroom
Elisa Shoenberger
While a court of law looks for nothing but the truth, depictions of courtrooms in mystery novels have no such restriction.
The Strange and Amazing Iron Circus Comics
Elisa Shoenberger
June 13, 2023
Chicago-based Black-owned comics publisher Iron Circus has had a very interesting year. Here's a primer to this awesome publisher.