Danika Ellis

Danika spends most of her time talking about queer women books at the Lesbrary. Blog: The Lesbrary Twitter: @DanikaEllis

New Releases Tuesday: The Books Out This Week You Need To Read

Here are some of the best books out this week, what they are about, and why you should add them to your TBR!

The World’s Most Expensive Bookshelves You Definitely Can’t Afford

Rich people: they're not just like us. They spend tens of thousands of dollars on bookshelves, with designs from the tasteful to the bizarre.

Instead of School Board, Leander Police Investigate Book Challenge

Instead of requesting the school board review the title, this Leander parent went directly to the police, who are now investigating.

13 Funny Twitter Responses to the Idea of Rating YA Books

A website attempted to categorize YA according to things like if kissing included "Light Travel of Hands." Here's how YA Twitter responded.

School District Maintains Ban of Antiracist Books Despite Student Protests

Despite a week of protests by students, York Central school district has reaffirmed its ban of a list of Black and Latinx teaching resources.

New Releases Tuesday: The Books Out This Week You Need To Read

Here are some of the best books out this week, what they are about, and why you should add them to your TBR!

Rediscovering a Love of Fan Fiction in My 30s

After a long hiatus, I've finally rediscovered my love of fan fiction, and I'm annoyed it took me this long to remember the joys of fanfic.

Wow, Okay, Unfollowing Now: A Bookish Tweet Round Up

Book Twitter loves taking a meme and turning it literary. Here are some of the best bookish "Wow, okay, unfollowing now" tweets.

Raising My Standards In Books Scared Me Off Reading

My new standards in books were supposed to make me fall back in love with reading. Instead, I stopped reading entirely.

New Releases Tuesday: The Books Out This Week You Should Know

Here are some of the best books out this week, what they are about, and why you should add them to your TBR!