Danika Ellis

Danika spends most of her time talking about queer women books at the Lesbrary. Blog: The Lesbrary Twitter: @DanikaEllis

The Best Books You’ve Never Heard Of (Winter 2022)

Set aside the books everyone is talking about for minute and check out our favorite under-the-radar reads that deserve a lot more attention.

Bookish Puzzles to Piece Together While Listening to an Audiobook

Listen to an audiobook or bookish podcast while piecing these together to celebrate your book love and block out the stresses of the world.

QUIZ: Can You Match the Book Banning Quote to the Decade?

Does the rhetoric from book banners sound familiar, like we're in the 90s again? See if you can match the book banning rhetoric to its decade.

School Board Reverses Reprimand of Teacher for Anti-Racist Book

Several board members who voted to discipline the teacher had received financial donations from the parent who filed the complaint.

The Three Types of People Who Want to Read More

If you've ever seen baffling reading advice like "skim, skim, skim," you're probably seeing something aimed at the third category of reader.

Mayor Withholds Library Funding Until All LGBTQ Books are Removed

Ridgeland Mayor Gene McGee is withholding $110,000 from the library system until all "homosexual materials" are removed.

When Is It Okay To Let a Bookstore Die?

Bookstores are for profit businesses, so why do readers often feel obligated to help out when bookstores are struggling financially?

Are You Really a Reader if You Have to Motivate Yourself to Read Books?

Reading is supposed to be an enjoyable hobby. So why do some of us book lovers have to motivate ourselves to do it?

Books and Reading Are Two Different Hobbies

I love books, especially the online bookish community. So why does reading sometimes feel more like a chore than a fun hobby?

The Streisand Effect Won’t Save Us From Censorship

The Streisand effect claims that banning a book will only make it more popular. But that ignores the inequity of censorship.