Alex Baker

Alex thinks it would be really rad if you checked out his turn-based strategy game, Derelict Zones.

The Flash 01×07: Power Outage

Each week Panelteers Chris and Ali sit down and chat about the CW’s newest superhero series, The Flash! Blogging about ...

Yep, That Happened: Iceman’s Yellow Snow Incident

The best X-Men stories are usually a combination of over the top action, soap opera-level melodrama, and a sprinkling of ...

You Don’t Have to be “Into Comics” To Read Comics

Since I moved to New York, I’ve developed a little tradition whenever I come visit my home town right outside ...

The Book Recommendation Conundrum

Everyone has that certain nerd in their circle of friends: the one that reads more than you ever could in ...

No Context Given: Star Spangled Comics #82

  Before the Batmobile, before the Redbird, there was… THIS SWING.

My Kryptonite: Jennifer Walters, Esq. a.k.a. She-Hulk

In my first article for Panels, I wrote about how comics helped me survive law school. They helped me escape ...

Top 5 Actors for Captain Marvel Who Aren’t Katee Sackoff

This is not a drill, folks! On July 6, 2018, Marvel Studios will be giving us their first female-led superhero ...

No Context Given: Star Spangled Comics #80

Dick Grayson is many things: Aerialist, Superhero, Detective. Singer/Songwriter is not one of them.

That One Issue: The Incredible Hulk #82

The Incredible Hulk #82 “Dear Tricia…” By Peter David, Jae Lee & June Chung There aren’t many comics that I ...

Recap: Arrow 03×04 – The Magician

“The Magician” Written by Wendy Mericle & Marc Guggenheim Directed by John Behring Nyssa al-Ghul (Katrina Law) is looking for ...