20 Deadpool Tattoos That Are Too Awesome Not To Get
The Merc with a Mouth, aka Deadpool, hit the big screen last month in his highly anticipated second self-titled film. The first Deadpool movie is currently the second-highest-grossing R-rated film worldwide, second only to The Passion of the Christ. (I will not make comparison jokes. I will not make comparison jokes. I will not…) With so much new exposure for Deadpool these last few years, there are a lot of people permanently capturing their love in ink. Here are 20 awesome and inventive Deadpool tattoos seen on Pinterest.
Deadpool hearts you.
Awwwww, so cute.
Dead Vinci.
Meta Deadpool tattoo. (Also meta. And also meta.)
As seen in the film.
Dead and roses.
Incredible detail.
Amazing gray sleeve.
Lego Deadpool.
When fandoms collide.
Deadpool Pikachu.
Deadpool as a literal Joker.
Deadpool is a heavy metal fan.
Punk rock Deadpool.
Deadpool as Miley Cyrus.
Still jealous of Logan.